What are ketones and ketosis?
Ketones, also known as 'ketone bodies', are by-products of the body breaking down fat for energy. Ketones and ketoacids are alternative fuels for the body that are made when glucose is in short supply. They are made in the liver from the breakdown of fats. Ketones are formed when there is not enough sugar or glucose to supply the body's fuel needs. This occurs overnight, and during dieting or fasting.
For a person without diabetes, this process of ketosis doesn’t become an issue. In fact, ketosis is beneficial for those wanting to lose weight as it effectively helps to burn fat for energy. However, when you have diabetes, you can build up too many ketones in your blood -- ketone levels that are too high can become life-threatening (a condition called ketoacidosis).
How do you measure ketones?
Ketone bodies are composed of 3 ingredients: acetone, β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetic acid.
There are three ways to measure ketones in your body:
1. Urine sticks – measures the levels of Acetoacetic acid - cheap and easy to use, but not very accurate.
2. Breath meters – measures the levels of acetone in breath - more accurate than urine sticks and affordable.
3. Blood ketone meters – measures β-hydroxybutyrate through blood - the most accurate method available but very expensive.
What are breath ketones?
Breath ketones are a helpful indicator of your body's level of ketosis.
When you are in ketosis or body fat lipolysis, acetone is released as a by-product and is detectable in your breath. As body fat lipolysis progresses faster, the amounts of ketone in your body increases. This allows us to find out how fast body fat lipolysis is occuring by measuring the amount of ketone bodies produced by our body. In the case of ketone breath meters, the amount of acetone in breath is measured.
Unlike other methods such as urine strips or blood tests, breath ketone levels do not depend on fluid logistics, minerals or vitamins. The more fat is metabolised into energy, the more breath ketones there are.
KetoScan FAQs
To measure ketone levels with acetone, the KetoScan Lite & Mini needs to detect PPM levels at extremely low concentrations, so a very sensitive sensor is required. If you use the sensor frequently, it will be inevitably contaminated by foreign objects mixed in with the respiration, which requires readjustment of the precision of the device through the means of a calibration. The device will display a calibration message after usage of 300 times, and it will automatically lock the use of the device after 320 measurements.
Each calibration will be $82.50. To get your device calibrated, register your Ketoscan and make a booking online on Andatech Caltrace.
For KetoScan MultiGenix users, there's no hassle of calibration needed. Simply purchase the sensor cartridge and replace it, ensuring your device remains as good as new with minimal effort.
When and how often to test ketones will depend on what you’re looking to find out.
If you’re looking to compare whether you’re keeping in ketosis from day to day or week to week, then it makes sense to test at the same time (or times) of day. This will ensure you get consistent results.
As ketones vary through the day, and are affected by different types of meal and exercise, you may want to test at different times through the day to see how your level of ketosis varies, in the beginning of your keto diet.
After you have set the best time of the day to test yourself and are looking to compare these results with a urine ketone test, it is best to conduct both tests at the same time of the day.
We recommend that testing once a day would be good enough. Note also that the unit gets locked and will require calibration after 320 tests, so if you test too often, you will need to send your unit back for calibration more frequently.
The KetoScan ketone machine utilises a patented self diagnosis technology. If the equipment has not been in use for a period of time, gas lingering around the house may enter the equipment, changing the zero-point (base line) of the sensor and as a result affecting the measurement accuracy. KetoScan's patented technology is able to perform a self check on the equipment status during the measurement preparation stage, and if it decides that the zero-point is incorrect, it does not show the measurement after a blow by the user, but uses respiration gas of the user for zero-point adjustment and requires another measurement. Self-diagnosis operates automatically and according to the situation, so even if it occurs frequently, it is not that the equipment function has degraded, but rather it is for more precise measurements.
The KetoScan comes with 5 disposable mouthpieces. You can purchase additional mouthpieces from Andatech.
There is a sliding built-in mouthpiece for personal use. However, if multiple users use the same device, then it is highly recommended to use the disposable mouthpieces for hygienic purposes.
The disposable mouthpieces are designed for one-time use only but can be re-used if you rinse it with running water and dry it thoroughly before re-using them. Make sure they are clean and dry before use, otherwise you will damage the KetoScan's sensor.
The results will not be the same. The main reason is because blood testing measures BHB and it is expressed in mMol, whereas the KetoScan mini's breath tester measures acetone concentration which is expressed in PPM (Parts Per Million). Two types of meters measure the two different ketone-bodies so it could not be compared 1:1. Breath testing result shows more precisely and is able to show a smaller amount of ketone state from your breath compared to blood testing.
If you have blood readings from 0.5 to 3.0 mMol, then the KetoScan Mini will display the earlier state for optimal level of ketosis with PPM resolutions. For the details of PPM level for each ketosis state, please check our ketones level chart guide under the Product Description.
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